New Moon at 26 degrees 53 ‘Pisces

jeremy-ricketts-14151-unsplashMarch 17, 2018, 13:11 UT

Our vulnerabilities and the need to rise to the occasion

From synthesis to action; weaknesses that become strengths, and the awareness of alternatives. How do we help ourselves by helping others.

A new lunar cycle begins at 26 degrees and 53 minutes of Pisces, where for the next 29 days we set a new intention, that promotes a transition. We are in the final stage of a completion of a cycle, and we come to a stage of reflecting on the way we may carry the value of strengths and weaknesses in response to new challenges, and changes ahead.

The Moon in Pisces is sensitive, redeeming, unifying and lacks boundaries. The responses collectively and personally are triggered through the emotional or imaginary part of making connections between events and external stimuli. We attune to absorbing vibrations. The realm of Pisces is where we  synthesise and decompose in order to incubate a new beginning. It is the realm of ​​transcendence, merging, and catharsis. The last degrees of the zodiac (in the terms of Saturn) promote the urgent need to finish something, even abandon or surrender something we have collected to strengthen our position. Issues that were held in ambiguity will rise to the surface, and will be tested or present the need to become more specific.

A tropical year has come to an end, and every new Moon in Pisces marks an important transition. The 27th degree of Pisces is the highest exaltation of Venus, and in the new Moon chart what immediately stands out is the mutual reception by exaltation between Sun and Venus. Choices in the light of what we love, our talents, the way we receive joy in life are highlighted. Although the planets are not in aspect, they become allies to satisfy their demands. The need to focus our hearts on what we love, possess and are attached to, will dominate; possibly externalising vulnerabilities or wounds, but will also motivate desire in order to take initiatives, face challenges, and open new paths to life experience, in more specific ways.

We are at the beginning of a very dynamic and intensely active lunar month that gives a thrust to mutate all that we have collected and believe in (positive and negative) and set in motion an implementation phase that aims to put a mark, achieve or deliver. The following month will gradually give emphasis to the cardinal modality through the movement of planets and aspects formed, giving an emphasis on a collective or personal emergence towards dynamics of action or reaction.

Chiron in conjunction with the New Moon externalizes vulnerabilities that connect us with deeper knowledge or the need to return and explore more deeply how much we believe, understand or are capable of receiving and giving support. We may ask whether we are  helping ourselves by helping others, we may unlock a process of disengagement from victimization mechanisms, and gain more understanding on the values ​​and experiences that bring growth or entrapment. We will be sensitised more, become more aware of nuances, and activate significant initiatives or externalize talents. Events can also show us alternative ways of managing and taking decisions through revising past experience and knowledge we accumulated as we realize it solidifies in contact with others.

Jupiter is ruling the New Moon, and is retrograde in Scorpio, in mutual reception with Mars at 29th Sagittarius. How we promote the strengthening of beliefs and truths, but also the ethical dimension of activities and actions are dominant themes; what do we wish to show to others, how much we believe in what we are claiming. Mars is out of bounds, and will soon make his ingress into the sign of Capricorn (his exaltation). It will become stronger and more visible! How does experience become implemented, how the exploratory dimension of our actions becomes rewarding and is invested in producing work or bring results. Can we set an example for others?

Both Chiron in conjunction with the New Moon, as well as Mars out of bounds condition, seem to point to alternative action, approach, solutions or investment of energy. The need to move out of conventional territory, act and trade in progressive ways or to experience conditions and events that are beyond the boundaries of regularity may manifest with various positive or negative scenarios depending on what each person interacts with or where they are at. Mutable signs require adaptations and flexibility, and the last degree is critically noting a sense of urgency. Something must be done quickly to engage with something new. So we can expect pending situations to be tackled urgently and quickly, and what would make the difference is how we manage sensitive, pressing or challenging circumstances. How do we rise for the occasion. The transition of Sun and Mars in the following days to zodiacal positions stronger than those on the New Moon chart promises significant improvement and strengthening regarding the significations of these planets. This speaks of stronger decision  making, leadership and more efficient investment of energy, as well as  action that intents to effectively order or assume control.


The New Moon in square aspect to Mars, highlights tension and action that seeks to resolve, may manifest challenges, tendency for conflicts and quarrelling, active decision-making and initiatives. Sun’s square to Mars perfects on March 24th when both planets would have changed signs (in Aries and Capricorn respectively). This indicates a change of orientation and expression of the planets. The two planets are powerful and relatively stable in their exaltation signs, and are likely to promote change. We can expect a highly energised, demanding, and externally oriented lunar month, that may speak about reshaping, or emergence from a nebulous state to a state of initiation. It favours bold, innovative or groundbreaking initiatives and decision making. It may concern your professional identity, your ability to lead or merely strengthen your will, as well as reinforce one’s image and talents.

It is a month that can trigger provocative, violent or confrontational behaviour; nervousness, anxiety and haste. The tendency is for issues to emerge, for emotions to rise, for  impulsive reactions to awaken, and claim vital space, as well as to cut to the chase. The way we handle situations becomes critical and makes all the difference. The planetary set-up portrays a particularly energetic, emotional and demanding period that invites us to overcome, tackle, act and accept challenges, while we must give closure or settle pending issues. There is an urge to translate or use past experiences in promoting change, while measuring our strengths. There is a lack of fixed quality, and the element of Air in the chart of the New Moon. It is important to allow room for re-charging, and breathing space, in order to balance any tensions. We cannot expect things to be consistent within or around us.

The new lunar cycle will give emphasis on how we manifest our passions, feelings, impulses and our need to re-claim what we feel is lost in translation; Most of all it will give opportunity to raise our awareness on collected experience and do something about it. Mercury in Aries is in it’s shadow period, about to begin his apparent retrograde motion, and that will give an acute sharpness to the rational process with a momentum to review data, plans, ideas and thoughts to better support the decision making process. Mercury in Aries ignites a “spark” flashback that will assist in  finding out whether  we still desire this plan or that idea. It is like a re-start on the power of the mind, which ignites creativity. The motivation comes from Mars, strong in Capricorn, and will particularly help any kind of review and critical process towards implementation. Mercury and Venus in conjunctions in Aries and in a harmonious aspects to the Nodes of the Moon, give promise for a socially active period filled with impulse and warmth. The potential for returning to past agreements and communicating talents in collective endeavours is there. Existing contacts and acquaintances are encouraged to evolve.

New beginnings, changes, and the completion or closure of situations are made more visible, while clarification and deepening of understanding is mainly accomplished through internal dialogue and slower processes. (Jupiter Rx)

(If you are familiar with your natal chart, the house where you find the 27th degree of Pisces is the domain of life where a new intention takes place. This mainly involves finalising and synthesising elements that will help activate changes.)


The New Moon has a more personal feel for you:

If you are a Pisces born between March 15 – 19, Virgo born between September 17-22, Sagittarius born between December 16-20, and Gemini born between June 15-20. If you have Ascendant or personal planets at 26 (+/- 3 degrees) of mutable signs. It will also energise your chart if you have planets or personal points at 00-02 degrees of the cardinal signs.

© Eleni Kostika 2018


(In my analysis I mostly take into account the applying aspects of the planets.)

Photo by Jeremy Ricketts on Unsplash

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